Caerleon Mobile Phone Coverage

Data sourced from OpenSignal OpenSignal data is collected from regular consumer smartphones and recorded under conditions of normal usage. Their data is crowdsourced by users of the OpenSignal app, downloaded over 20 million times, which constantly monitors the coverage and performance of their mobile connection. We use this data to increase transparency in the wireless industry by publishing reports on the quality of mobile networks, offering unbiased coverage maps and empowering people to get better mobile connectivity in a hassle-free way.
Read more on their website.
Visit their website to download the app.
Networks mentioned are: EE, Vodafone, Three and O2. listed in order of coverage. operator with most coverage showing first, information is correct as of 08 October 2017.

Coverage from EE.

Coverage from Vodafone

Click here for live map showing Vodafone mobile coverage in Caerleon.

Coverage from Three

Click here for live map showing Three mobile coverage in Caerleon.

Coverage from O2

Visit their website to download the app.