
Countree care is an established business operating since 2004 with the owner having many years industry experience prior to establishing this business fully qualified and insured for all aspects of tree 🌳 removal and site clearance/maintenance. We provide will give advice on all aspects of tree work including tree preservation orders.Extensive experience providing advice on site management regarding tree and shrub removal pre-construction, and liaison with local tree officers and appointed ecologists. Countree Care has a professional team, of NPTC qualified climbers and other operators. Work teams are all EFAW+F qualified and have an aerial rescuer for all climbing work in line with good practice. Get in touch with your requirements however big or small. I provide the following services - Cherry 🍒 picker hire night or day, 23mtr perfect for picking cherries cleaning gutters painting chimneys roof repairs cheaper than scaffolding contact me for rates. If you have some awkward to get to flailing/mulching we have the solution , Hook bins for hire,Forest road/track repairs if you think we can help get in touch. Clear up those awkward paddocks or parcels of ground where they have got away from you so that you can manage them again get in touch for the solution

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Registered 01.08.2024
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